Toddler Danger Zones :What To Avoid For Your Children safety

Toddler Danger Zones :What To Avoid For Your Children's safety

Washroom : Razor Blades and Scissors

Washroom : Razor Blades and Scissors (Children safety)

The risk : Kids can cut, scarp, or injure themselves badly on sharp objects cosmetics, razors, grooming scissors, and medicines. Be sure to keep all the medicines (even vitamins) behind a locked door that is out of reach of any children.

Solution: Put all the sharp items in a locked cabinet or drawers far away from the reach of any kids.

Washroom: Beauty Products and Medicines

(Children safety)

The risk : Infants and toddlers can swallow any small objects left in reach which can cause them poisoning, overdose and sometimes choking to death (Children safety).

Solution: Make sure caps are tightly secured on medicine bottles — even vitamins — and cosmetics too. Lock them away in a cabinet or drawer or somewhere far away from the reach of children.

Washroom : WC


The risk : Small children can sink in just a few inches of water (Children safety).

Solution: Put a latch on the toilet seat and keep It closed.

Washroom : Small Products

Washroom : Small Products ((Children safety))

The risk : Cotton balls, Swabs, and other small items — a child might choke on any little thing.

Solution: Be sure that the floors and lower shelves of your linen closet are clear. Keep all the dangerous items out of reach or locked away.

Sitting Room : Furniture

Sitting Room : Furniture (Children safety)

The risk : Recliners and sofa cushions — loose change and other small choking dangers can get pushed under furniture, but will still be in reach of toddlers.

Solution: Regularly check under living room furniture — especially after guests leave.

Sitting Room : The Coffee Table Decoration

Sitting Room : The Coffee Table Decoration (Children safety)

The risk : Artificial fruit — “To your kid, they can seem like a delicious buffet,” says Lauri Berkenkamp, author of ? Mom, the Toilet’s Clogged!”: Kid Disasters and How to Fix Them (Children safety).

Solution: Avoid decorative food — as well as potpourri and arrangements with rocks or marbles — or keep It out of reach.

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Sitting Room : Bookshelves

Sitting Room : Bookshelves (Children safety)

The risk : Tiny toddlers can topple a bookcase simply by reaching for a book or climbing on a shelf.

Solution: Secure bookcases and shelves to the wall with brackets. Check periodically to make sure they are sturdy and solidly built.

Sitting Room: Window-curtains

The risk : Blind cords — Strangulation can happen with a tiny piece of cord or string.

Solution: Try to cut window-blind cords or tie them out of kids’ reach. Also, don’t forget to remove small plastic pulls or metal slides from window cords to prevent choking.

Sitting Room: Electrical Wires and Outlets

Sitting Room: Electrical Wires and Outlets

The risk : Children can  electrocute themselves while playing with cord outlets or exposed wires, and loose wires can trip up toddlers.

Solution: Try to hide electrical wires behind furniture — never run them under carpeting. Cover up all the exposed outlets with screw-on covers or cap plugs.

The Cuisine : Refrigerator Magnets

The Cuisine : Refrigerator Magnets

The risk : Kids can grab small magnets low on the refrigerator and pop them in their mouths causing choking.

Solution: Avoid tiny magnets or place them out of reach of children.

The kitchen’s Appliances :

The kitchen's Appliances :

The risk : Children can be injured by a range of kitchen appliances. Dishwashers contain sharp objects and ovens can burn.

Solution: Lock the doors on dishwashers, ovens, front-loading dryers, or any other appliance that a toddler might get into.

The Kitchen’s Utensils

The risk : Knives and forks — Children can easily misuse tableware and kitchenware  and can injure themselves with even the dullest of utensils.

Solution: Try to keep knife sets away from countertop edges and lock away other kitchen utensils in drawers or cabinets.

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The Kitchen’s Cleaning supplies

The risk : Kids can burn their skin or swallow harmful toxins if supplies are spilled or left out.

Solution: Try to keep all cleaning supplies out of reach or locked away.

The Cuisine : Plastic Bags

The Cuisine : Plastic Bags

The risk : Even if they’re grocery bags or tiny food storage bags, children can choke by placing plastic over their mouth and nose.

Solution: Put plastic bags in a hidden place out of reach or lock them away.

The cuisine : Plastic Wrap and Tin Foil

The cuisine : Plastic Wrap and Tin Foil

The risk : Children can cut their fingers on sharp, serrated edges of plastic wraps and foils, or other packaging items.

Solution: Keep boxes of plastic wrap and tin foil away from the kids reach.

Home Office: The Sharp Supplies

Home Office: The Sharp Supplies

The risk : Sharp office supplies like scissors or letter openers can slice little fingers.

Solution: Put sharp objects away in a secure place, but don’t put them in a high place that you might drop them when you reach for them, advises Monica Clanin, president of Childproofing Services Diversified, in Virginia Beach.

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Home Office: The Power Strips

The risk : If a child pulls on cords, power strips, or plays with outlets they can be electrocuted.

Solution: Cover up power strips and other electrical objects in order to prevent electrocution and also to keep your kid from unplugging the computer while you’re working.

The Office Fittings

The risk : Chairs and desks with sharp edges can impale children.

Solution: Take furniture with rounded edges and corners, or cover up any sharp areas with adhesive cushions so that it will not harm your child. Clanin suggests also cushioning the legs and base of a swivel chair with a foam swimming noodle cut to fit.

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Home Office: The Keyboard Tray

The risk: Sliding keyboard trays can pinch the child’s fingers.

Solution: Try not to use a desk with a keyboard tray that slides. If you do use one, get a tray that locks in place.

Home Office: The unseen

The risk : Kids can slip out of sight and into danger in an office when you’re focusing on  work.

Solution: Set up a mirror on the wall above your computer monitor so that you can see your child playing in the area behind you.

General: The Wastebaskets

General: The Wastebaskets

The risk : The trash is full of bacteria and harmful objects that children can get into if in reach and can cause them some  bad diseases (Children safety).

Solution: Put the wastebaskets away or hide them under the sink or in a locked cabinet. Or buy a container with a secure lid.

General: Portfolios


The risk : Guests or visitors may carry dangerous medications or toiletries risky to your little child (Children safety).

Solution: Putt bags out of reach — on a shelf, coat rack, or in a closet — not only to keep children safe but also to keep guests’ personal things safe and unharmed.

General: The Vacant Rooms

The risk: Kids may sneak away to rooms without your knowing and end up in risk .

Solution: Set up hook-and-eye latches or childproof knob covers on doors to your basement, garage, laundry room, exercise room, attic, and bathrooms.

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