Baby Month By Month – (Month 10)

Baby Month By Month - (Month 10)
Baby Month By Month - (Month 10)

Life’s can be very chaotic cause you have a future toddler moving around your home and it could also be the reason is you might be still having often late nights. However, all those kisses and hugs you’re getting from your baby make it worth it (Baby Month 10).

10 Month Old Development

10 Month Old Development
10 Month Old Development

Your baby is getting bigger and smarter and he must be remembering where his favorite toys are and can actually understand you when you give him easy instructions. He’s so energetic and playful at this point.

10 Month Old Baby Weight & Length

The average weight of a 10 month old baby is about 18.7 pounds for girls and around 20.2 pounds for boys. Average length is around 28.1 inches for girls and about 28.9 inches for boys.

Baby might be growing about half inch each month and gaining around 3 to 5 pounds per week.

The 5 Senses Development

Your baby is not only able to hear everyday sounds but he now recognizes them also, your voice, his older sister’s voice, the doorbell. He might pay attention to the noises he knows are important and ignore the ones that are not.

10 Month Old Milestones

10 Month Old Milestones
10 Month Old Milestones

Milestones at this age can be different from baby to another, but here’s what baby could be up to.


Baby now can mostly sit up without any support, and even may be for as long as he wants.


9 months is the average age when babies start to crawl, which means your baby could have been doing it for as long as a month or so, or you’re waiting for her to begin. However, your 10 month old not crawling is not usually a reason for worrisome concern.

See also  Toddler Month By Month - (Month 28)


Baby could be able to stand up and still while holding to a piece of furniture.

Hand skills.

Your 10 month old baby may often pick things up using their thumb and pointer finger and have actually learned how to point as well.


Around half of 10 month olds say mama or dada to call for their parents.

10 Month Old Baby Diet

10 Month Old Baby Diet
10 Month Old Baby Diet

You’re not the only one feeding your baby now, he’s mostly feeding himself also. However, you should never leave your baby eating alone without keeping an eye close, in case of some incident such as choking.

How Much Should a 10 Month Old Eat?

Bottle Feeding

A 6 to 8 ounce bottle or cup, around 4 or 5 times every day is mostly right.

A 10 month old who refuses the bottle is a complaint that many newbie moms get, it can be due to teeth pain, or could be the baby is just working on his independence. So rest and be sure that your baby will eat if he’s healthy and hungry, however, watch out for signs of illness like a fever. Check the pediatrician if it’s consistent.


Feedings are likely around every 4 to 5 times daily but each breastfed baby could be a tiny bit different.


A breastfed baby requires around 25 ounces of breast milk every day. So you will be needing to divide that by the amount feedings your baby usually has.

What could a 10 month old eat?

You could continue including healthy food options for your baby, so try to stick to one new food every 3 or 4 days. You may even begin feeding him a little bit of what you’re eating.

See also  Baby Month By Month - (Month 12)

Your baby may be eating meat too. Little shreds of chicken and ground bits of turkey could be picked up and eaten. Beef could also be cooked, pureed and served with a small spoon.

Food Ideas for 10 Month Old Baby

Food Ideas for 10 Month Old Baby
Food Ideas for 10 Month Old Baby

Meal ideas could slowly but surely become more different as your baby tries new foods and likes them. Consider giving your baby a large choice of food groups, while keeping in mind to giving him a balanced diet of protein, carbs and healthy fats at every single meal.

Could my 10 month old eat eggs?

The old advice used to be to not give babies eggs before their 1st birthday, yet that recommendation has changed.

So it is a yes, you may give your baby egg yolk at 10 months old. When it comes to egg whites, talk to your baby’s doctor and make a decision altogether. Therefore, when you’re introducing any new food, watch out for your baby’s health and look for signs of an allergic reaction in the next days.

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10 Month Old Feeding Schedule

10 Month Old Feeding Schedule
10 Month Old Feeding Schedule

10 Month Old Baby Sleep

A typical 10 month old nap schedule has around 2 naps. Your baby might be sleeping as much as 11 or even 12 hours at night, could even be with no waking up hustle.

10 Month Old Sleep Schedule

10 Month Old Sleep Schedule
10 Month Old Sleep Schedule

My 10 month old would not sleep.

Often parents complain that their 10 month old baby is with no reason not sleeping or their 10 month old wakes up screaming when he never did such a thing. In a 10 month old, sleep relapse could happen. Your baby is learning new skills like crawling, pulling himself up to stand up and cruise, he could decide to practice them in the middle of the night. While other babies simply miss their mother or father in the middle of the night and only want to be closer to you.

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The positive news is babies usually grow out of factors like this in about a month or 2 months.

10 Month Old Schedule

Your 10 month old’s day looks a lot different than it did only few months ago. There’s way more moving and grooving. Your baby may love to play with toys with buttons, lids, switches and knobs.

10 Month Old Schedule Sample

A 10 month old’s daily schedule should look like this.

10 Month Old Schedule Sample
10 Month Old Schedule Sample

Useful Tips:

– Schedule baby’s 12 month doctor checkup.

– Sing easy songs to your baby such as “Itsy Bitsy Spider”.

– Begin planning your baby’s birthday party, you’ll need to send invitations around a month in advance.

– Take your baby’s 10 month photo.

Read Also :

Baby Month By Month : Month 11

Baby Month By Month : Month 12



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