A cupuncture is a continuous disorder or group of disorders known as relapse, but through a sudden trap. Capture is the point of physiological dysfunction in the brain where neurons produce excess electrical drainage. Since this is a chronic disease, many women should be aware of epilepsy during pregnancy.
The Signs of Epilepsy During Pregnancy
Unfortunately, some of the signs of epilepsy are very similar to the signs of pregnancy.
The signs of epilepsy:
- Changes in mood or energy levels
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Memory loss
- Headache
- Fainting
Would My Epilepsy Change During My Pregnancy ?
In fact, it is estimated that about a third or half of women with epilepsy may have more seizures during pregnancy.
The common cause of long-term seizures are anticonvulsants. Since anticonvulsants usually work differently during pregnancy, doctors may require medication replacement during pregnancy.
There are also additional difficulties of nausea, but it is possible that medications are rejected before they are properly absorbed into the body.
Does Epilepsy Effect My Baby During Pregnancy
There are several problems with the types of seizures that can occur for your epilepsy. If you experience partial or missing seizures, the risk to your child is small. If you suffer from a clonic tonic form of seizures, the risk of damaging your baby and your mother is reduced.
However, during the capture of the clonal tonic, short-term interruptions of breathing can lead to oxygen deprivation for your child, although this interruption rarely affects the mother. This can be delayed for a long time, for example, 30 minutes after the attack.
So this form of grip also increases the risk of injury to your child. There is a high risk during the last semester when the child’s brain is larger and requires more oxygen to capture tonic clones.
The Risks of Epilepsy During Pregnancy
In General, acupuncture can affect pregnancy in several ways. If an attack occurs during pregnancy, there may be many complications that can affect your child:
- Fetal heart rate deceleration
- Preterm labor
- Fetal injury
- Premature detachment of the placenta from the uterus
- Premature birth
Anticonvulsant Medications For Pregnant Women
The main concern of mothers with epilepsy is the effect of drugs that can be administered to the child. This is due to the fact that women with epilepsy have about 4-6% chance to give birth to a child who takes anticonvulsants. Some of them are minor defects like small fingers and toenails, so don’t worry, your child will grow up from this.
Remember that under no circumstances can you stop taking medication without visiting a doctor.
Read : Types of Pregnancy Pains
Precautionary Measures
Generally, there are procedures that need to be performed if you still have epilepsy and can confirm the most healthy pregnancy. The recommendation of Preconception should be made before pregnancy by your doctor’s method. Your doctor can review your medical history and decide if you need an anticonvulsant.
If you are taking an anticonvulsant, you should consult your doctor about taking folic acid.
Folic Acid
Taking folic acid during pregnancy and during pregnancy can improve your baby’s health. Anticonvulsants can be mixed with levels of folic acid in the body, and folic acid and low levels can cause neural tube defects. Studies have been conducted and folic acid supplementation during the first three months of pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of spina bifida.
What to Do After Giving Birth
Labor and childbirth can put a huge strain on the body, which will really affect the health and well-being of the mother. Several studies have been conducted and it has been shown that women with epilepsy develop attacks mostly within 2 days after birth.
Strong factors behind this occurring would be including:
- Failure or inability to take medications Sleep deprivation
- Physical pain
- Hyperventilation
- Stress
However, take the rest of the load, will remain free of stress and take medication as your doctor has asked you to become a mother to become a mother to get a hand from a stranger or a friend or a doula after giving birth. It’s a way to decrease stress.
Breastfeeding While Being Epileptic
Because breastfeeding for your baby has many benefits, it is recommended that you feed women with more hemorrhoids. However, if your mother uses anticonvulsants, it is always important to consult a doctor to assess the effectiveness of breastfeeding.
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