This is one of the questions to which most parents are invited at certain times and in certain places. If you are lucky, you will not be asked while you are waiting to buy ice cream in a crowded area.
If you have not answered this question before, this is a great opportunity to prepare before they are asked.
Children ask this question because they want to understand where they came from. They want to know where they were before they came to this world. Working where your Baby is is one of the biggest puzzles it wants to solve.
They became aware of pregnancy and babies at the age of three to four years. They start thinking about where they were before they were born. If they were a baby too, to be satisfied they will begin to ask questions about babies in order to know how they happened.
Why Do You Have to Answer Their Questions ?
There are many reasons why you ask the question “Where does your Baby come from?”Or “where do I come from?”Must answer.
- Actually, it is quite easy to explain it to your children when they are younger. What you need is a simple answer when you are young while 10-year-old need more informations. So it is such a good idea to start talking about this when it is easier, that means by the time you will get to the tricky things, it will be a lot easier as you will be used to talking about sex stuff.
- You want your children to see you as their number one source for information. Let your kids know that you are okay to talk about the stuff that other adult afraid to talk about. As your kids become older, they will be exposed to sexual education that you have no control over. So you want to know that you’re coming to you, not to your friends or not to Google if you hear something you don’t notice. This is a great way to make sure your children get the right information and you can correct the misunderstandings they hear.
- If you ignore your questions, give your child a message that it is not good to talk about Sex and sensitive to things like bullying or inappropriate sexual contact. Please ask. And they don’t talk to you about what worries them.
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How to Explain Where Do Babies Come From to Your Kid
First of all, you need to remember that this question is not about sex. Children don’t want to know the details of how babies are made they just want to know the basics. Where do you come from, how did you do it, and how did you come to life?. Their brain and the way they understand things is not advanced enough for that type of informations yet, but keep in mind that every child is different, Some children may not be curious about where they come from until they are 4 or 5 years old or so. Others never ask!
Question : Where Do Babies Come From?
You come from a special place in me near my belly.
The answer can be so simple that you don’t have to worry about using the right terms. You can go out with her when you are young, but not when you are 10 years old.
If you want, you can use the word Uterus, it belongs to you! We want to make it simple and easy.
How Are Babies Made?
“To get a Baby, do you need a certain part of your father and a certain part of a mom.”
If you want, you can call this special part cell or egg and sperm. You don’t have to hurry to add Details when you are young. Just keep it by explaining where the milk comes from.
If you want to learn more about how egg and sperm meet, you can explain this as follows.
‘Sperm leaves the male through his Penis and gets directly into the female Vagina. Then the sperm gets to the eggs. They connect to a Baby. “
Is your kid ready to know where do babies come from?
If your child has this question, it is ready to answer.
You have not asked this question yet, but if you notice a pregnant Baby or a Tumor, you are ready to find the right answer.
And if you want to know how a Baby is Born, This article is very useful.
If you think your child is ready to hear about Sex and where the Baby comes from, follow the above tips. We will be happy to hear your experiences, do not hesitate to share with us.